Sunday, April 22, 2012

Little purple flower

You smell so sweet. You smell so clean. For once looks are not deceived. So fragile so smooth so sweet. One flick of the petal and you will be ruined. Inside of you is lighter than out. You protect yourself from fear of dismount. You were picked this morning and brought into my hand. So I sit and appreciate your life and your beauty from the land. Thank you sweet little purple flower for your beautiful smell. You bring me back to my mothers garden, when I was young. The beautiful smells of pure joy I felt. What a beautiful memory that I have recalled. So again I sit silent and serene. Holding your beauty so close to me. Little purple flower I thank you because I miss the times when happiness wasn't pain and pain wasn't mine.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


It's a strong word. When one thinks they are finally healed .... The world shows different. what is recovery? Why is it so important? I live and I breath but inside I am dieing. I miss I love I hurt I cry. I am happy but behind my smile and is a girls screaming to be saved. I must save myself tho. It's a life long battle of love and hate. Mixed emotions rage depression more than faze. I have learned and lost the world I have felt real pain real lose real shame. I have grown and shrunk like little Alice running thru her magic land confused and lost. Alice is me and I am recovering